Xtreme Hot Sauce, 6.75oz.

Scoville Heat Units (SHU): 50,000 - 250,000
List Price: $14.50
sale Price: $12.95 (You save $1.55)

Item Code: HSP1318
Processing: Typically Ships within 24 to 48 Hours.


Xtreme Hot Sauce, 6.75oz.: The above word describes this mixture of the hottest natural products grown on Earth! Xtreme is made for those who take life and all their actions to the edge. Once you experience riding on the edge, there's no better fulfillment in life! Experience Xtreme!

Ingredients: Habaneros, Carrots, Garlic, Lemon and Lime Juice, Vinegar, Spices, Salt, and Natural Pepper Flavoring.